Managed Wordpress hosting

Everyday, Wordpress is powering more and more of the web, with some estimates putting it at nearly 40% of all websites being powerd by Wordpress. As a result there are many Wordpress hosting providers out there. Of course hosting your Wordpress site requires time and knowledge, and you have a business to run and not enough time to mange the various issues that Wordpress hosting requires. 

Enter our full service Wordpress hosting

Our fully manged Wordpress hosting service takes away all the stress of running a website:

  • Automated software and plugin updates
  • Security audits and monitoring
  • DDoS protection
  • Server updates
  • Performance monitoring and improvements
  • Analytics reporting
  • SEO optimisation
  • Small content changes

Personalised service and support

Of course, the biggest advantage of LemonBop's Managed Wordpress service is getting to work directly with a real human being. A human being who isn't scared to pick up the phone and talk to you directly. We'll even make come content changes for you and recommend improvements to your site so you are getting the best return possible from your website and ensure that your Wordpress website is working for you.

Free website migration

Is your website hosted somewhere else right now? No problem! We can migrate your site to our servers free of charge.

Don't have a website yet?

No problem. Talk to us about your needs and we can build you a Wordpress website and optimise it to deliver you profile and exposure you need to build your business. 

Need more than a website? Talk to us about how Business Platform, powered by Wordpress, that provides CRM, marketing automation and more. Everything you need to power your business through a digital transformation and improved efficency.

Talk to us now about managing your Wordpress hosting

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